RESOURCES - Examples

Intro Notes About Resources


These resources can be used to increase awareness, deepen understanding, or connect to take action.

  1. Accept that it will take significant time and effort to become aware and educated about racism and how to counter it.
  1. Part of the work is in simply finding the resources that speak to you and provide what you need. That can be surprisingly challenging.  The other part is in making use of the chosen resources because awareness and education without action just supports racism.
  1. Understand that as you become more aware and more educated you will probably move into uncomfortable territory. It’s partly uncomfortable because of the reality that emerges and it’s partly uncomfortable as we initially see how much work we may have to do to be capable of making a difference.
  2. On the other hand, there will probably be a sense of excitement, possibility, and anticipation as pathways open up, the territory becomes increasingly clear, and ways to contribute start to emerge.


Find the Resources that Fit You


Finding the resources that speak to you is where the work starts.  There are a lot of good resources out there – books, articles, podcasts, movies, videos, TV, academic programs, programs by community organizations, etc.  You just have to find the ones that are most valuable to you. 


The good news is that you will learn a lot about countering racism simply by searching for the most valuable resources.  The search itself can be an education and the effort builds momentum.

You can take a couple of paths in your search for resources that fit you.  One is to conduct internet searches in a number of domains.  The other is to take advantage of the site examples that are listed below.  You can of, course, do both.

“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.”
– Malcolm X

Examples of Domains to Search


There are a lot of domains that you can search.  Here are some examples.  Do not be limited by these examples.

  1. Being an anti-racist
  2. Organizations fighting/countering racism
  3. Racial wealth gap
  4. Education and race
  5. Criminal justice and race
  6. Racial issues and healthcare
  7. White privilege
  8. Systemic racism
  9. Personal racism
  10. White fragility
  11. Micro-aggressions
  12. Talking to kids about racism
  13. Unconscious bias


Examples of Resources – Lists from Various Sources

Below are lists of resources from a variety of sources.  You will find some overlap, but each source has its own perspective.  That means you will need to do some work finding the resources that speak to you – those that you trust and can build on. 


“If I Had to Choose 5 Resources”

If I had to choose five resources from this section to recommend, I would recommend the following five.  The first recommendation is the video list because it covers so much ground, most are “bite-sized”, and they come from many perspectives.  They may be “door openers” for you to explore topics of most interest.  The next four are recommended for specific reasons, but they are not bite sized.

#1  Eddie Moore, Jr, 21 Day Challenge

Lots of activities and resources.

#2  Uprooting Racism by Paul Kivel

Excellent guidance for White people committing to counter racism.  Hits the key issues as well as providing historical perspective and context. 

#3   How to Be and Anti Racist by Ibram X. Kendi

Goes right at the issue of action being required to be an anti-racist.  Also provides historical perspective and context.

4.  White Fragility by Robin Diangelo

Covers critical issues of normal and natural resistance to White commitment to action.  Praised and condemned, which is a good indicator that’s she’s on target.  The title detracts from the impact. 

5.  The Sum of Us by Heather Mcghee

Critical perspective on the cost to all of us of racism (particularly financial) and the potential ways that we can all prosper by successfully countering racism.  It’s not a win/lose issue.


 Examples of Video Series

(Lots of “bitesized” resources – good place to start)

NYTimes series of 26 short videos on lots of topics – done for students, but good for anyone.


Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Minnesota

Series of very short videos on key topics


Washington Regional Association of Grantmakers

Series of longer videos on key topics by leading experts


California Newsreel

Film and video for social change since 1968


Race:  The Power of Illusion

Video Series on multiple topics about race (by California Newsreel)


TED Talks on Race


Raising the BAR (Bystanders Against Racism)

Series done by students in Prince Georges, British Columbia  (#1 Stories and Experiences) (#2 Impact) (#3 Hope and Allyship) (#4 For Educators)


Seattle Times – Under Our Skin

Lots of topics key to racism and countering it


Examples of Basic Sources

There are lots of lists of resources related to basic education.  These are examples.  See what speaks to you.


Trying Together

Resources for adults, educators, working with children


Evanston Public Library

Categorized by children, teens and parents


UNC Big List


From Good Good Good  (

Big List (Google Doc)*qzkq3A8buAcXAltwn7MHuw


University of Cincinnati Guide

Racial justice resources for activists, advocates, and allies


Time – 12 Movies


Time – Books Recommended by Black booksellers


Coalition of Anti-Racist Whites

Examples of Tools


There are tools embedded in some of the other resources, but these sites are specific.


Racial Equity Tools

Racial Equity Tools is designed to support individuals and groups working to achieve racial equity. It offers tools, research, tips, curricula, and ideas for people who want to increase their understanding and to help those working for racial justice at every level – in systems, organizations, communities, and the culture at large.


Antiracism Toolkit for Allies (Toolkits for Equity)


Not Sure of This Source’s Identity – FAQs, books, online, podcasts, paid programs, etc.


Examples of Organizations

These are examples of different types of organizations addressing countering racism in different ways.  These are just examples.  There are hundreds of organizations, many of them local, that you can discover.  And new organizations are always emerging.  Do not be limited by this list.  


Whites Organizing to Counter Racism


Coalition of Anti-Racist Whites

CARW educates, organizes, and mobilizes White people to show up powerfully for racial justice and collaborative liberation.


Showing Up for Racial Justice

We are a national network of groups and individuals organizing white people for racial and economic justice.




Businesses are involved in countering racism is a variety of ways – from DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) to policy to business practices.


CEO Action for Racial Equity

100+ CEOs focused on racial equity


Citi’s website

Example of a corporate response


“Think Tanks”


A lot of work on racism is being done by think tanks.  Some are more research focused and some are more advocacy focused.  These are examples only and more research focused, although both are focused on countering racism.


Brookings Institution

The Brookings Institution is a nonprofit public policy organization based in Washington, DC. Our mission is to conduct in-depth research that leads to new ideas for solving problems facing society at the local, national, and global level.


McKinsey Institute for  Black Economic Mobility

The McKinsey Institute for Black Economic Mobility is a research institute and think tank dedicated to advancing racial equity and inclusive growth in the United States—and globally. Our mission is to help private-, public-, and social-sector leaders take coordinated action to accelerate Black economic development by providing in-depth research, convening with stakeholders, and translating research into practical assets and capabilities to create real-world impact.


 Traditional Civil Rights Organizations


National Urban League

The National Organization with 90 affiliates serving 300 communities in 37 states and the District of Columbia.  The Urban League collaborates at the national and local levels with community leaders, policymakers, and corporate partners to elevate the standards of living for African Americans and other historically underserved groups.



National Organization with Local Affiliates

Race and justice, advocacy and litigation, inclusive economy, education innovation


Black Lives Matter

Decentralized political and social movement


Other Types of Organizations


American Civil Liberties Union

The ACLU seeks to ensure constitutional freedoms for every gender, race, and sexual orientation.



Focused squarely on communities most impacted by oppressive systems in the US, our non-profit directory highlights grassroots organizations BIPOC, and LGBTQA-led organizations as well as individuals and social justice efforts that often receive the least amount of funding.


National Juvenile Justice Network

The National Juvenile Justice Network leads a membership community of 58 state-based organizations and numerous individuals across 42 states and DC.  We all seek to shrink our youth justice systems and transform the remainder into systems that treat youth and families with dignity and humanity.


Black Experience Resources


As White people we can’t “know” the Black experience, but we can work to understand it to some degree – hopefully an increasingly deep degree.  The Black experience is profoundly different than any White experience we have lived and that needs to be understood – not to generate guilt and shame, but to generate the commitment to “right the wrongs” of racism.

There is no single “Black experience.”  However, there are common themes and patterns that play out in unique ways for individuals and those are important to understand. 

The first challenge is to make the effort to begin to understand the Black experience.  The second challenge is to deal with the discomfort that comes naturally as that understanding grows.  It is surprisingly easy to retreat back into our comfort zones, but we can also remind ourselves that we can handle discomfort and recommit ourselves.

The resources listed here are quite varied.  A few are links to compilations of lots of resources.  Some are links to books, programs, or specific articles.

As with the other resource sections, the key is to be curious and explore what’s here – and select resources of interest in order to create your own set of resources that you can then review over time. 

Do not be limited by these resources.  There is a lot here, but you can also search specific topics or types of media.  For example, if you like stories vs. analytical reports, search stories.  If you like video and film vs. printed works, focus on videos and films.  You can also search for specific topics like the Black experience in the workplace or the criminal justice system. 


White People and the Black Experience


“White People Can’t Experience the Black Experience”


Links to Lots of Resources


Federal Depository Library Program

Wide range of resources


History Channel



The Guardian

Growing Up Black in America, Bryon Jones


PBS Series – Race in America



There are links to movies in the “Examples of Basic Sources” section above, but these are highlighted here because of their focus on the Black experience.


24 essential works of Black cinema recommended by Black directors


Rotten Tomatoes

110 important films about the Black experience



13 recommended films




Black Experience in the Workplace – McKinsey

Major study


Harvard Business Review Toward a Racially Just Workplace

First half of the article on the Black experience and second half on actions to take


Ranstadt (Canada)

Eight Everyday Challenges Black Employees Face



Being Black in Corporate America




  1. It will take significant time and effort to become aware and educated about racism and how to counter it.
  1. Part of the work is in simply finding the resources that speak to you and provide what you need. That can be surprisingly challenging.